Lyon Improv Festival : Closing Night

Samedi 12 Mai 2018 à 21h

Soirée de clôture du Festival improvidence

Placement libre !

Des improvisateurs internationaux parmi les pointures de la discipline, des spectacles totalement improvisés pour vous faire vivre une soirée unique, in english please !


This Scene was about
Every scene is inspired by the previous one. It could be the atmosphere, the emotions, the energy, the theme… whatever inspires the improviser who decides what the scene was about and how it will be used to inspire the next one


Random is an improv show in its purest form. It is a playground for improvisers and an open window to their imagination. Scene after scene, actors and musicians create worlds using might, music, sound or random set pieces


En savoir plus sur le Lyon Improv Fest :

C'est vous qui le dites

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